Chosen S1 E3 - Jesus loves the little children

Weekly Discussion Overview


First and foremost this is a discussion. If you have something that is not covered in our discussion outline that is on your heart/mind then bring it up. Enrich your brothers and gather in the name of Jesus the Christ/Messiah.

  • Each week we ask that you watch an episode of “The Chosen” from season 1.

  • Along with watching an episode we will go over a set of questions that will be included along with the Weekly Newsletter that comes from the interactive study book designed around this series.

  • Watch for the newsletter. It will contains links to access the material for week.

Where to watch

The Chosen is free to watch. You should not have to pay for it. It is available freely on Angel Studios via their website or smart device app. This includes TV’s, Tablets, and Smart Phones. It also available on many of the paid streaming services too!
” Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east, and from the west I will gather you. I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, Do not withhold; bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. – Isaiah 43:5-7

Discussion Review

Format Change. Rather than just listing the questions below. We will provide a link to a PDF copy of each chapter each week. This link will only be available for a week. We ask that you consider purchasing the study guide to support the author.

[No Longer Available]

Other Questions and Thoughts

  • The study says to read Galatians 3:28, but rather than taking it out of context, try reading the entire chapter of Galatians 3. Verse 18 makes an interesting point!

  • What does the word “Rebuke” mean? Are we meant to rebuke only followers of the way or everyone? Should we expected non-believers to turn from their ways when they are rebuked?

  • Read and consider Luke 17:1-4

  • Meditate on Matthew 18:1-4

  • What are your thought’s on the Shema?